Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jeans theme music

I love this so much :
I don't seem to remember whether or not I blogged this already..
This is one of those songs, where I wouldn't want to look at the video but just listen to the audio and feel it.

Love these lyrics too...
Though we're apart...
you're in my heart... 
sweet memories... 
keep haunting me.... 
and deep in my soul.... 
i know you're mine... and my heart.... belongs to you 

 These  lines are their best:
..and deep in my soul.... 
i know you're mine... 
and my heart.... belongs to you

And can I even say anything about the below and that humming and that music? 
Tender feelings of a girl and a sweet pain emoted in their tender, so genuine is what I could say.
Ni sa ri sa
Ni sa ri sa
Ni sa ri ga
Ma ga ri pa
Da pa ma pa ma
Sa da pa ma ga sa
Sa da pa ma ga sa ni ri
Ri sa ni sa (?)


Unknown November 21, 2013 at 2:47 AM  

"Sravya" Looks like you deeply in love with poetry in lyrics...

Particularly this jeans theme, i love it.

actually im mad at some songs lyrics but
i have no time to update this

if i got time i write this

anyways nice blog yaar, keep it up, ill follow you... may be i can get some nice lyrics from you...

and a small suggestion for you, just make a list of your posts in notepad, so that u can start your next post interestingly.

byeee..... be safe....

Unknown November 21, 2013 at 2:49 AM  
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